Brothers Boards is far beyond what most would consider a normal skateboard store. It has long since been a institution that defies contemporary definition, does not cater to trends or numbers and focuses it's core energy on one thing; team. The progression and emphasis on team has been carefully fine tuned under a single roof by a single owner for this past decade. This fine tuned body runs on the loyalty, personality and work ethic of many men who have dedicated their lives to something much greater than a skate shop. This is a home, with a family, where every member of that family plays a integral role in the productivity, legacy, and aesthetic of what comes in and out of its doors. To this family skateboarding is more than just a way to make a living; it's a way of life that goes beneath lifestyle, over expression and around obsession. Get down or lay down. -NOEL SINCLAIR BOYT-
Who won, you or the street?